
Beauty of Woman

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As women, we are particularly judgmental of the physical presence we carry on this earth. Social media, advertisements, and the television bombard us with depictions of the perfect body, perfect hair, and perfect lifestyle.

What is your definition of perfect?

What do you see when you gaze upon the mirror?

A body aged and worn? A person talentless and empty-headed? A heart angry and misled? A life dead-ended?

My dear friend, when I look to you, I see…

Ears. Delicately placed to hear the cries of a friend.

Freckles. Reminding me of your mother.

Hands. To carry the burden of many and strong to labor long hours.

Strength. An important gift for the endurance of life’s journey.

Kindness. Lifting the hearts and steps of others.

Eyes. Gently caressing the beauty in nature. The gateway to your soul. Guardian of what you see. Guardian to what you will know.

When I look to you, I see a person standing straight and erect. A lighthouse beacon. A perfectly formed body from which to carry a Heavenly Soul.

Let me ask you again. What do you see when you gaze upon the mirror?

~ Adapted from Spiritual Verse Today by Sharon CassanoLochman

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