
Imposter Syndrome, Is it Real?

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By Charlie Palumbo, Author Charlie is a global thought leader developing solutions for veterans and spouses on their discovery to what is next in their lives.  She is a poet, mother of two wild and amazing boys, wife, Navy veteran, and advocate.  She is always seeking ways to inspire others to find their most passionate selves. She is on the core team of Women Empowered Global. 


Imposter Syndrome, Is It Real?


"It is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubt his or  her accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of  being  exposed as a "fraud" -Wikipedia

Most of us have experienced it in our lives.
The feeling that you don't deserve the big win,
the new promotion,
a seat at the table.

The moment you look around the room,
comparing everyone’s accomplishments to your own,
and suddenly you don't stack up.

The DANGER is that the "imposter" feeling can keep us from trying.  
It can limit us from pursuing that leadership promotion,
applying for the new career,
or sharing our ideas with the world. 
So, how do you overcome it? Here are 4 ways to start:

Self-love visualize your success.
Make time to invest in yourself often, and until you feel confident.

Stop comparing yourself it's dangerous and debilitating.
It adds no real value to your life.

Surround yourself with support you don't need to know everything.
It's okay to ask for support/help.
Tap your mentors, call on your entourage this what they are for.

List out your accomplishments and know your worth.
You are unique and bring your own gifts to whatever it is you are doing.
Author: Charlie Palumbo
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