What comes to your mind when someone says ‘like a girl’? You walk ‘like a girl’, talk ‘like a girl’, throw ‘like a girl’…. Is it an image depicting weakness that comes to mind, or is it an image depicting strength? I can almost accurately guess that it was weakness that came to your thoughts. Why? How is it that ‘doing something like a girl’ turned out to be such a bad thing?
Women account for more than 50 percent of professional jobs, but when it comes to positions in leadership, the presence of women is seriously diminished. If you take the Fortune 500 list, only 4.6 percent of women are CEOs and there’s only 14.6 percent of companies which have female executive officers.
If you really think about it though, all these barriers that women are supposedly facing cannot be accounted to restrictions in traditional workplaces. There are many instances when women are held back by nothing but their own self-made barriers.
Speaking about the possibility of having a female President, Hillary Clinton mentioned how women’s executive abilities seems to be questioned as an ingrained problem, whether referring to the political sphere or corporate boardroom.
There are several things that women themselves are sometimes fearful of. Let’s take a quick look at some of them. See if you can identify with any of these!