Cheryl, the Founder of Women Entrepreneurs Worldwide, is a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, educated in the public school system, a graduate of the Philadelphia Paralegal Institute, Certified Litigation Paralegal, and a global speaker, and consultant, enhancing building global cultural relationships. A strong implementation of family-oriented values, continuous spiritual impartation, I am reminded daily of the blessings of my journey. Diversity interests in cultures and individuals part of those cultures illuminated in my life during early formal education, and travels through Africa, Asia, The Middle East, and the United Arab Emirates, etc. Therefore, it is no surprise to me that interests would continue in the direction of domestic as well as, international entrepreneurship.
A major conduit to entrepreneurship is “building relationship bridges.” As founder, speaker and consultant of Women Entrepreneurs Worldwide, the mission is simple—“Building Cultural Relationship and Networking Bridges Globally, we connect women entrepreneurs around the globe for the purpose of insight to other business opportunities, exchange of cultural ideas and information to assist in building healthier economies globally.”
WOMEN ENTRPRENEURS WORLDWIDE (WEW), is a woman-owned-diverse entity that is globally connected. As its name implies, WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS WORLDWIDE (WEW) was conceived to meet the unique connection of women entrepreneurs and business owners around the globe. As founder, from the inception, one of the visions was and continues to be for WEW cultural relationship and rapport building. Dialogue and belief that respect for cultural diversity, enhancement and encouragement of women will manifest and be the core for success.
WEW with its mission/statement continues to meet with and encounter influential businesspersons and supporters who welcome this visions. WEW is as much an idea of success-building as it is a process and formula for advancing global interacting for collective individual and collective achievement in the world of women entrepreneurs and business owners. We welcome our male supporters and appreciate their contribution to our efforts. Overseas journeys have helped crystallize WEW’s mission, noting that business opportunities for women have risen along with the growth of technology, manufacturing and the multi-gender workplace.
Women Entrepreneurs Worldwide has since 2009, emphasized its endeavor of Building Cultural Relationships & Networking Bridges Globally.” WEW would be honored to count you among the more than 5,000 members and connections on its main social media platform, LinkedIn, as of 2015, to join in our efforts. The social media platform, LinkedIn has and continues to be a key conduit for the manifestation of WEW’s endeavors. We encourage you to comment on information shared on our blogs, and social medial sites. We invite you to join WEW and travel with us around the globe building relationships, and rapport. As a group we can together, collaborate, encourage, inspire and promote in assisting each other on our successful journey. WEW is principally a consulting “enabler”, an organization poised to provide guidance and directed resources to women-owned/managed businesses, and consultation to WEW clients in those project communities identified and secured.
When I contemplate the meaning of women empowerment from a realistic perspective, I embark on my quote, “Each one, Reach one, To teach one, To propel many.”In attempting to empower women, the “one size fits all”“or the quick fix” approach may not prove to accompany positive results. There should be an emphasis of importance on understanding, respect, establishing relationships, rapport and a knowledge of vast cultural environments.
Women, must have clarity and understanding that many accompanying factors are attributed to how an individual can be empowered. In attempting to ascertain whether or not an individual wants to be empowered and how she views its impact on her is a process. From my one-on-one conversations with women globally, especially in developing countries, (many of whom are members of “Women Entrepreneurs Worldwide” on LinkedIn), I ascertain as much information as readily available from a review of the individual’s profile. I especially identify the cultural background, residence of formative years of development and possibly her exposure to other cultural environments. Much can be gained from a profile and profile photo, but even more can be gained from one-on-one brief phone conversation.The level of one individual’s empowerment differs certainly for each individual.What maybe of significance to empower one individual, may not relatively apply to a group.
My perspective in viewing empowering women, is more from an understanding of the immediate individual(s) and then reflecting on women who are identified with that particular cultural exposure, who can assist me in the empowering process. The initial process is, first, relationship and rapport building, then individual purpose of life. Certainly my life’s purpose may or may not be that of someone else.
The quantity of women is not my focus, but a relationship built on respect, trust and purpose, that an individual seeks for herself or is struggling to identify, in my opinion, only then can the empowerment process begin.
Although, I would not have known, at the time, while being educated at a very young age in the Philadelphia school system, that my life would be impacted by the environment and time in which I was growing up. I attribute this particular time to my journey of inspirational change. There are many contributing factors as to how one arrives at his/her inspirational change. An examination of one’s self, as to how the individual views his or herself, exposure to outside the norm of cultural experiences and the feeling of caring and sharing to bring about positive change for others. In my travels and discussions with other women and their desire for how they viewed inspirational change has impacted me.
My quest for inspirational change developed from a desire to assist others in understanding that the possibility of their challenges (or what theyperceive as such) are really platforms for inspirational change to be presented to others, while also having an impact on their own lives. For me, interacting with others from various parts around the globe, was developed early. I began to realize and understand that challenges on my journey, are simply my inspirational motivations.
A very impactful moment in my life, centered around a teacher, (whom I admired) telling me that the people and places I viewed in books during story time in class, I would never be able to visit or have contact because of them being from distant lands and her view as ethnic cultural environment constraints. An important lesson, I quickly realized (with the support of my family), was never to let someone else’s disconnect or lack of confidence anddesire to achieve, become your life’s platform. My teacher definitely was convincing, that I and others, were only able to daydream. Unfortunately, in her position as educator and one to seek guidance, her very words, motivated me continuously through my life’s journey. Her unfortunate disconnect and understanding that each one of us has a journey and with that journey a purpose, did not deter me from knowing that I would reach the point in life, that interacting with others, gaining some understanding of their exposure and desires, would be so profound as to inspire others. Negativity can often turn into positive results.
In my opinion, some key characteristics of an empowered person are: (1) ability of discernment; (2)that person to be a contributor to humanity (3) an examination of one’s self and what inspires he/she,(3) desire to understand and view that others have the ability to take charge of their destiny if allowed, (3) viewer of building relationships, (4) respect for their self and others, (5) being a person of “connect, rather than disconnect”,(6) self-confidence, (7) identifying purpose(s), (8) ability to rise to challenges, whereby a testimony is developed during their journey, (9) consideration and (10) faith in the not seen. There are countless others.
As being done in many instances, the definition of a “Leader” is being re-visited from different viewpoints. Leaders should have the ability to listen, gain a greater knowledge and understanding of people and how circumstances and situations are created and have various impacts on individuals depending on an individual’s life exposures. Leaders should strive to understand their ability to connect rather than disconnect with an understanding of diversity. Body language is an extremely important communication skill.
Also, my perspective is leaders need to view partnerships as a means of accomplishments, thereby being more effective in many instances. There should be the removal of what is known as the “I/Me Factor” that continuously impedes on the goals and decisions of leaders. Also, today leaders need to have a diversity mindset, especially leaders with a greater involvement in their capacity globally.
First, my advice would be that an individual cannot measure their ability of being empowered by anyone else. We all have different levels of feelings and how much impact certain feelings have on our will. Individually, it must be clear to that person (as much as possible) what their strengths and weaknesses constitute, that individual still is valued and can be a contribution and empowerment to someone else.
In my travels, I have accessed that one of the real obstacles that prevent individuals from being empowered is their ability of how they view others, which usually is accompanied by a “pedestal mindset.” I have found this to be extremely evident with women where self-confidence is either non-existing or has been destroyed due to culture and environmental conditions. In many developing countries especially, I will not deny that it is understandable. When women develop the mindset that there is a surge of strength that only they possess deep within, their ability to rise about all things is tremendous. JUST THINK ABOUT IT!!
One of my first endeavors when engaging in conversation or written communication with women is to (1) ascertain our commonalities, (2) build a relationship and rapport-which is not immediate and requires time, (3) access an understanding where my strengths and weakness reside and try and build from that level in encouraging and motivating that person(s). There is no “blueprint” to this process.