

Lucia Ongay



Lucia Ongay is a born journalist, passionate and curious about anything that makes the world a better place. As the Co-Founder of the Gerety Awards, she hopes to recognize and celebrate the diversity of its creators. The goal of the Gerety Awards is to provide a global platform for talent and support initiatives that champion diversity in the creative industries. 

With this new awards show, Lucia wants to recognize global talent, mentors, and allies in the industry. These awards are named after Frances Gerety, the copywriter who created the slogan “A diamond is forever”.



1.What is your definition of women empowerment?

It means to be someone who knows her value and believes in herself and what she is capable of achieving. Sometimes it is easier to believe first in others than in yourself but being your “biggest fan” is the way to make this power your strength. Empowered people believe there are no limits to what they can do and this force drives change and make things happen.

2.What motivated you to get involved in being inspirational for change?

I worked for many years in different award shows and events in the advertising industry and for some years now there has been the discussion of how little women there are both in the juries that choose the best campaigns in awards and also in the creative teams that do them. There are women, a lot of talented women that do great things, but they were just not being seen and spotlighted as they deserve. Though this has started to change, I realized there was a lot of talk but less action. That`s when we decided to create the Gerety Awards, a creative award show with a 100% female jury. Not only to show there are women, but also that they do great things and to show the best of advertising chosen from a female lens.

3.What are some key characteristics of an empowered person?

An empowered person believes everything is possible. The first limit is yourself. You need to believe in yourself first to be able to drive the change and do great things. This self-esteem reflects and makes a person glow and spread this power and enthusiasm to others. I like the idea of this inner light that comes out and everybody see it and is attracted to it. That is the way I imagine it visually! An empowered person also doesn´t give up at the first difficulties or obstacles. If you believe in what you are doing, then you have the courage and will to keep on trying against all odds.

4.What can leaders or individuals interested in advocacy do to facilitate empowerment?

Sharing experiences. And not only the good things and achievements, talking about failures and difficulties is as important. Many of our biggest learnings come from failures and to be able to turn adversity into something positive is very important. Being mentors and examples for others to follow. As someone once told me “You can´t be what you can´t see” so it`s important that people that have already followed their path, share their experiences with others to encourage and inspire. And persevere and don´t let the first obstacle in the way stop you.

5.What advice would you give to those who want to give up due to a lack of empowered feeling, thinking and action? (e.g. What is an important first step)

An important first step is to start believing in yourself and pay less attention to what others think. I can tell this from personal experience! Being around people that believe in you and make you be your best self is very important as well as people that are honest and will tell you the truth. Be the change you want to see. Also, be nicer and kinder to yourself. Most of the time we focus in our mistakes and what we do wrong instead of celebrating our achievements and all the other things that do go the way we planned them. Be yourself your own supporter and look for support in people you respect and will help you in your path.

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