

Natalie Brown

Natalie is a skilled and natural thought leader with over 20 years’ experience in the training, Executive Coaching, management and HR consultancy field. She is the Managing Director of Select Training and Management Consultancy LLC which she established in Abu Dhabi in 2006. In 2012 select’s Dubai office was opened and there are plans to open offices outside the UAE.


Natalie has worked with clients across a number of industry sectors such as telecommunications, financial services, government, private and multi-national companies including some blue chip organizations, health care, hospitality, aviation, oil and gas and entertainment. Her sessions focus on developing an understanding of the broader business context in which the Executive operates, with particular emphasis on key business initiatives directly relevant to the Executive.

Natalie believes that successful Executive Coaching links business focus with human processes by closely aligning the Executive’s development with critical business needs. Her skill at serving as a sounding board becomes significant as C-level Executives grow into roles of more influence and power. She has developed Executives from UAE and other Gulf Countries, Australia, USA, India and the UK who work for fortune 500 companies.

Recently, Natalie has spoken at international conferences in the region on topics such as ‘Diversity in the Workplace’, ‘Emotional Intelligence’, ‘Managing Millennials and Generation 2020’, ‘The Impact of Body Language in Business’ and ‘How Customer Service Impacts the Business’ to name a few.
One of the hallmarks of her reputation with clients is her ability to help individuals and senior management teams make significant transformations in their professional lives, which carries over into their personal lives. She has seen firsthand how focusing on and strengthening emotional intelligence in executives and the people they lead has a powerful and positive impact on behavior, communication and, most importantly for business, profits. In addition to one-on-one executive coaching, Natalie facilitates leadership, communications, public speaking and presenting and coaching workshops as well as communications coaching of presentation skills, working with clients on the material

  Empowering women simply means enabling a woman to have her own choices in life and providing the necessary resources to make this happen; giving her the power to path her own way in life.



1.What is your definition of women empowerment?

Empowering women simply means enabling a woman to have her own choices in life and providing the necessary resources to make this happen; giving her the power to path her own way in life.


In my opinion, it all starts with a woman’s wellbeing; healthy mind; healthy body. For me to be empowered, I need to have a clear mind and focus what I want which sometimes starts with identifying what it is l want and then going from there. To know this, a woman must have self-awareness of her strengths and areas of development, so any goals set are realistic and achievable.

2.What motivated you to get involved in being inspirational for change?

I think it’s in my DNA. I follow my ‘gut instinct’ and if l feel that something can be improved by making a small change l do it and don’t stop until l feel it has been achieved.

I have been in the UAE since 1995 and have seen this wonderful country change immensely – change that many people did not feel would be possible. This alone motivates me to do better, be a better person and want to bring about change that improves the lives, mind-set and environment of those around me.

3.What are some of the key characteristics of an empowered person?

The top 5 key characteristics of an empowered person are as follows:
I. Self-awareness
II. Self-confidence
III. Agility
IV. Social intelligence
V. Determination

4.What can leaders or individuals interested in advocacy do to facilitate empowerment?

Let’s first look at the term advocacy here which often involves challenging systems or organisations that are not willing to change. Leaders can have such influence over people and in my opinion, some of the things they can do are as follows:
a. Education for all
b. Equality in all areas
c. Support mechanisms for people in the workplace
d. Training for managers on how to empower their employees
e. Establishing mechanisms for women’s equal participation in all areas
f. Eliminating all practices that discriminate against people (women)
g. Remove labelling/stereotyping people

5.What advice would you give to those who want to give up due to a lack of empowered feeling, thinking and action? (What is an important first step?)

I find that it is easier to use visuals when discussing feelings as it makes them more real and can help the thought processes.

a. Take a step back and consider what is in your control and what is out of your control at that moment. This should be done visually as it is a thought process and because it is often ‘easier said than done’ it should not be rushed.

b. Get a clearer picture of where your thoughts are. We often focus too much on what is not in our control rather than taking control and focusing on what is in our control. This can be daunting because it takes a lot of energy and will power to only focus on what we can control.

c. Talk to someone about this (mentor). Once you have clarity on what is making your feel as though you are not empowered, it helps to ‘get it out’. The person you are talking to does not have to come up with all the answers, you just need someone who you trust. By vocalising how you are feeling, you can start thinking about action plans.

d. Using an Ishikawa diagram or cause and effect diagram, put in the head of the fish how you are feeling and work your way backwards as to what is making you feel that way.

e. Once you have identified what it is that is making you feel like that, take another diagram and put the main cause and then come up with ways/solutions that will help to ease the feeling. Be realistic here and, if possible put time frames so you have something to work towards.

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