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Amongst its many goals, Women Empowered is also focused on the rural community which needs to be strengthened. Most often than not, the weak link lies with the lack of information or the lack of access to required material, infrastructure or perhaps expertise and mentoring.


While most girls in rural communities have very limited access to a proper education or even adequate specialized skills, the presence of appropriate and solid vocational training, along with professional skills is vital.


With the presence of such services, the girls and women who perhaps are so keen to break down the norms set by the generations before them will be set free indeed. They would be able to push the barriers and move forward.


Women Empowered is also committed to ensuring that girls and women from the rural communities are ready to enter the work sector, to be confident in dealing with people and be ready to move ahead and take a leap of faith to create a better life for them, their families and the societies they live in.


Women Empowered will propagate with career mentoring programs and confidence building seminars to help these rural communities. We envision to make girls and undergraduates more ready for the economic arena, to be prepared to work appropriately and eventually be skilled to be economically empowered.

To empower rural regions, we need to understand their diversity.
  • A considerable amount of young women lack the ability to access proper professional skill education and training in the country
  • Vocational training on trade and professional skills is important
  • Women Empowered aims to help women from the rural sector to be more work ready with confidence building seminars and career mentoring programs
  • Women Empowered is committed to help girls, undergraduates and young women become more work ready and skilled to be economically empowered
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